The Unitary Fund Team
Announcing unitaryHACK 2021
It has been already a super busy year with tons of new grants, events, and friends joining our Discord, but we decided to do even more!
🥁 Announcing unitaryHACK 2021! 🥁

Quantum computing isn’t just unitary, it’s open source!
The Unitary Fund is proud to host our first quantum open source hackathon with SWAG and BOUNTIES on May 14-30th!
Over $2K in bounties for tagged issues in quantum open source projects
Digital swag for all participants that make approved Pull Requests (PR)s
Random participants that make 1 quality Pull Request (PR)s to a participating open source project will receive a swag pack in the mail!*
We’d like to thank our sponsors Xanadu and Pasqal for helping to make this event a reality 💖
Would you like to help us support more contributors and projects? Get in touch with us, and we would love to collaborate!