Unitary Fund Q3 2020 Update: Mitiq and new grants
To the Unitary Fund community,
We are growing and evolving! This quarter we launched Mitiq - the first open source project incubated at Unitary Labs - and funded six new projects ranging from new educational platforms to optimal quantum compilers and software for quantum RAMs. We saw more micro-grant applications this quarter than ever before and are thrilled to see the interest in our program continue to grow.
We continue to work hard to support the development of a vibrant, open quantum technology ecosystem. Thanks to all of you who have joined us in this mission.
New from Unitary Fund
Two articles covering our work in The Quantum Daily. [short article] [longer article]
We launched the first version of Mitiq, our open source error mitigating compiler. [arXiv] [github] [video overview]
We spoke about Mitiq and Unitary Fund at several venues.
Our paper on Digital Zero Noise Extrapolation was accepted to IEEE Quantum Week.
With help from our supporters at Strangeworks we upgraded our website: https://unitary.foundation/
We launched our YouTube channel.
Peter Karalekas and Sarah Kaiser joined the UF team!
New Grants
To Olivia De Matteo and Sarah Kaiser to build and optimize an open source Q# library for quantum RAM. [github]
To Lia Yeh and the fullstackquantumcomputation.tech team to build community-driven open-source educational resources for quantum computing. [site] [discord]
To Daniel Tan to develop and open source the Optimal Layout Synthesizer for Quantum Computing, OLSQ. This compiler beats other benchmarks on optimal layout of computational qubits onto physical qubits. [arXiv] [ arXiv]
To Spencer Churchill to write Quantum Tales, short stories with code where quantum algorithms are applied to solve tasks.
To Mark Cunningham to explore applications of quantum computing to medical imaging.
News from UF Projects
The NYCQuantum Meetup hosted talks from several UF projects from around the globe.
YaoLang released support for its first circuit optimization pass based on ZXcalculus with help from the other unitary fund project PyZX.
QuNetSim released a new video overview on quantum network simulation
Toqito released a new video overview along with new features for state distinguishability scenarios and tools to detect whether a given state is entangled or separable. More details here.
Sarah Kaiser spoke about the qRAM in q# project
Quantum Programming Studio adds support for Amazon Braket
“Robust data encodings on quantum classifiers” from the NISQAI project was published in Physical Review A
The fsqc.tech launched their website for open-source quantum science and quantum computing education, and Discord server for anyone interested in Quantum Universal Education. [contributor form] [recent workshop on applying to graduate programs]
IEEE Quantum Software Workshop - Several talks from UF folks and advisors in this session. This will be virtual so hopefully many of you can attend!
UF Advisors spoke on podcasts [Travis Scholten on IEEE podcast] [Michal Stechly on QC Now]
Best wishes to all of you,
Will and the Unitary Fund Team