unitaryHACK 2024 is Live: Contribute to Quantum Open-Source!
The Unitary Fund hackathon supporting quantum open source projects is happening now! unitaryHACK is a virtual event encouraging people to make contributions to the open source quantum ecosystem. The event will run May 29-June 12, 2024, and hackers have the opportunity to win cash bounties! unitaryHACK is unique to many quantum hackathon-style events for two big reasons:
- Hackers support existing quantum computing projects.
- Hackers get paid for their work while building professional skills such as working on open source projects, and contributing to create a more functional, and featured, quantum computing stack.
unitaryHACK 2024 is the largest edition yet, hosting 50 amazing open-source projects: AI-inspired Classification of Quantum Computers, Amazon Braket Default Simulator, Amazon Braket SDK, AutoQASM, Azure Quantum Development Kit, bloqade-python, BQSKit, Braket.jl, BraketAHS.jl, BraketSimulator.jl, Cirq, Cirq Classiq Library, CUDA-Q, Fusion Blossom, graphix, HierarQcal, Ion(Q) Thruster, KQCircuits, lambeq, Metriq, Mitiq, OpenQAOA, OpenQASM 3 Parser, PennyLane, PennyLane Plugin for Amazon Braket, Perceval, Piccolo.jl, PyClifford, Qadence, qBraid-QIR, qBraid-SDK, Qiskit, Qiskit Aer, Qiskit Provider for Amazon Braket, qlasskit, Qrack, Quantum Machines QUA-to-Qiskit compiler and simulator, Quantum Open Source Foundation (QOSF), Quantum Universal Education, QuantumToolbox.jl, Qublitz, QuTiP Tutorials, rustworkx, scqubits, Tangelo TensorCircuit toqito TorchQuantum
For more information, read our hacker guide and check out what happened in unitaryHACK 2023 and get connected on our Discord server!
Make sure you register to be eligible to claim your bounties!
Ready to get hacking? Check out all of our live bounties!
Hacking IRL
This is the first year our amazing global community is hosting in-person meetups at various locations, so if you’re somewhere near, you can attend:
- May 31: Aalto University CS in Helsinki, Finland, starting at 18:00 for 24 hours. Pizza available!
- May 31: Auditorio Raúl J. Marsal, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM in Mexico City, Mexico, at 16 HRS UTC-6!
- June 11: University of Washington HUB 145, Seattle, WA, USA, from 9 am to 5 pm, food will be available!
If you’d like to host an event at your university, drop us a line at hack@unitary.foundation, and we’ll spread the word!
Thank you to our supporters and maintainers who make this event possible!
Core Members: IBM Quantum, DoraHacks, OQD, and Scientifica;
Supporting Members: AWS, Microsoft, Pasqal, QC Ware;
Event Sponsors: NVIDIA, QBraid, Classiq, and QuEra
A huge thank you to all of our project maintainers volunteering time to review pull requests and engage with the community!