UF Recent Updates
Dear Unitary Foundation community,
Over the past few months there have been some exciting updates in the UF community! We’re now Unitary Foundation, to better reflect the breadth of our work across the open source quantum community; we recently brought 3 new team members on board; and, in case you missed it, we published the results of the most recent QOSS Survey. Check out more below for updates from micrograntees, new open source research, as well as Mitiq, Metriq, and much more.
New from Unitary Foundation
2025 Microgrant Advisory Committee Announced Late last year we announced our 2025 Advisory Committee (with two more members joining early this year). Each year, UF’s advisory committee, composed of dedicated experts from across the quantum technology community, works hand-in-hand with our staff to administer our microgrants. Thank you to our committee for joining us and supporting our mission - we’re excited to be working with you this year!
Welcome to the new UF staff members! At the beginning of this year, we added three new staff members. Changhao Li and Brad Chase joined the technical team, while Veena Vijayakumar joined the operations team.
Unitary Labs Research N. Lambert, E. Giguère, P. Menczel, B. Li, P. Hopf, G. Suárez, M. Gali, J. Lishman, R. Gadhvi, R. Agarwal, A. Galicia, N. Shammah, P. Nation, J. R. Johansson, S. Ahmed, S. Cross, A. Pitchford, F. Nori, QuTiP 5: The Quantum Toolbox in Python. arXiv preprint (2024), [2412.04705]
Other UF Staff Research: T. Gupta, S. Murshid, V. Russo, Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay, Optimal discrimination of quantum sequences. arXiv preprint (2024), [2409.08705]
Mitiq We’ve been seeing continued steady growth for Mitiq. Read more about about new release highlights: In v.0.41.0: Layerwise Richardson Extrapolation (LRE) user guide and tutorial video; Increased LRE compatibility to all supported front ends In v.0.42.0: Probabilistic Error Amplification RFC added; Modular PEC functions now available; multiple Developer, Documentation and Dependency improvements
Metriq Metriq.info got a refresh! Check out some of the UX updates we’ve made on metriq.info site
QLASS UF France is building quantum compilers to run quantum chemistry simulations on photonic quantum processors. Learn more about the grant and our work on the QLASS website
Conferences + Events We Attended
- Qiskit Fall Fest, Mexico | Oct 28
- OpenForum Academy Symposium, Cambridge, MA | Nov 13-14
- DoE SMART Stack Kick-off Call | Nov 1
- University of Amsterdam Mitiq RFC project | Jan 8
- FOSDEM 2025 Quantum Computing Devroom in Bruxelles | Feb 2
- QuSoft Seminar | Feb 7
Q4 Grants
- To Abbey Pint and Thomas Cervoni to further develop the Quantum Picturalism Website, which has a mission to expand Quantum Picturalism resources to make quantum math more accessible and inclusive.
- To Evan Hockings to further develop QuantumACES.jl, an open-source Julia package for designing, optimising, and simulating scalable Pauli noise characterisation experiments for stabiliser circuits.
- To Eric Kuehnke and Daniel Miller to further develop the generation of hardware-tailored logical Clifford gates for stabilizer codes using Gurobi.
Coming up
We have new projects as well as upcoming programs (like UnitaryHACK 2025!) that will be announced in the next few weeks. Stay up-to-date on all things UF and Quantum Open Source Computing by following us on our communication channels!
Other News from the Community
- IBM held their Quantum Developer Conference (QDC), and made materials from the event available via the IBM Quantum learning platform.
- The Quantify community produced a 0.0.1 version of a backend for LabOne Q and Zurich Instruments. This was done within the framework of the European OpenSuperQPlus project. More info can be found on the OrangeQS blog.
- GQuantum Education began outreach to Senior high school, and were fortunate to join WiStem-Gh in their camp. In addition, they launched their e-learning African International School on Quantum Science and Technology for 2025.
- Micrograntee Andi Gu’s project “An entanglement toolbox for t-doped stabilizer states beyond the classical simulability barrier” was recently published in APS and the code is open sourced here.