Unitary Fund Q1 2024 Update: 100 microgrants, unitaryHACK, new research and project updates
Dear Unitary Fund community,
We are excited to share our 2024 Q1 quarterly update! We reached a huge milestone, surpassing 100 microgrants given to the community to support quantum open source projects. These microgrants have been awarded to people in 30 countries, resulting in 25+ papers, 40+ libraries, 100+ contributors and about 6k commits (excluding QuTip), 2 startups and 1 non-profit. A huge thank you to our members who make this work possible!
We awarded 7 new grants in Q1, including integration of Mitiq into OpenQAOA, building quantum programming content platforms, a quantum education initiative for girls in France and Venezuela, an entanglement toolbox for t-doped stabilizer states, and more! Additional details on each grant are available below.
We have also been hard at work preparing for our 4th edition of unitaryHACK, an international virtual open-source hackathon where we give quantum projects cash to distribute to contributors by means of bounties. Last year, unitaryHACK had 700 participants and 72 hackers claimed 99 bounties, with more than $11k awarded. With over 30 registered projects and more to come, this year’s unitaryHACK is shaping up to be the largest one yet. If you would like to host an in-person meetup in your city to give your local community a space to gather, form teams, and work on unitaryHACK bounties, email info@unitary.foundation. to let us know! And make sure to register to participate for your cash prize!
This summer we will be hosting a Mitiq workshop as part of the summer school on Numerical Methods in Quantum Information Science, taking place in Boston. The school will cover best practices in software engineering, as well as the fundamentals of high-performance modeling techniques including state vector master equations, tensor networks, and the stabilizer formalism and its generalizations — crucial tools in modeling quantum hardware and error correction. Multiple hackathons will be executed where instructors will be able to help you with your own research projects. To register for the school and to see more details, please go to qnumerics.org.
Thank you all for your continued support of the open-source quantum ecosystem!
Make sure to follow our Discord, X, LinkedIn, and our Community Calendar.
New From Unitary Fund
- Unitary Fund Staff contributed to the “Report for the ASCR Workshop on Basic Research Needs in Quantum Computing and Networking”, which is now published online.
- Vincent Russo and Andrea Mari from Unitary Fund and University of Camerino introduce in [2402.04000] layerwise Richardson extrapolation, a new quantum error mitigation protocol generalizing zero-noise extrapolation, in which the noise of different individual layers (or larger chunks of the circuit) is amplified and the associated expectation values are linearly combined to estimate the zero-noise limit.
- The review on open hardware in quantum technology, co-authored by UF staff Nathan Shammah, Andrea Mari, Will Zeng, and many UF community members got published in the first issue APL Quantum, getting the journal cover!
- Will Zeng co-authored with UF board member Travis L. Scholten and other co-authors a white paper “Assessing the Benefits and Risks of Quantum Computers” [2401.16317] reporting on the fact that “there is a credible expectation that quantum computers will be capable of performing computations which are economically-impactful before they will be capable of performing ones which are cryptographically-relevant”.
Metriq has added a feature view on variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) from the work of Joan Étude Arrow (member of the QED-C Standards Committee) and her collaborators, collected with other VQA results.
Metriq launched an Open Quantum Benchmark Committee composed of a representative pool of experts in the field of quantum computing and quantum technology with domain expertise relevant to quantum benchmarks. More details to come soon!
New Releases: v0.34.0, v0.35.0
- v0.35.0: In this milestone, we’ve continued our work to support Qibo by providing a new tutorial, adding related Qibo-conversion functionality to the API-doc, and adding Qibo to our main list of supported frontends. We’ve also added the capability to use rotated randomized benchmarking circuits as part of the calibrator.
- v0.34.0: Announcing support for Qibo, a newly integrated frontend in Mitiq! 📣
Qibo is an “end-to-end open source platform for quantum simulation, self-hosted quantum hardware control, calibration and characterization”. Read more about this Mitiq release in Francesc Sabater’s blog.
We have completed another key milestone in our Q4Bio collaboration with Pasqal and Qubit Pharmaceuticals with new features added to our OSS package aquapointer. The new features are for processing density files representing the structures of protein cavities of interest. We also continue to refine the digital algorithm and resource estimates on benchmark protein hydration problems.
Where can you find Unitary Hack this summer? Look for us at these places!
- May 29-June 12: unitaryHACK
- June 24 2024: Workshop on Quantum Software 2024, which will take place in Copenhagen
- July 9-12: JuliaCon 2024, where Nathan Shammah will be giving a talk on “Nurturing a quantum open-source ecosystem.”
- August 12-18: Summer School on Numerical Methods in Quantum Information Science: This summer we will be hosting a Mitiq workshop as part of the summer school on Numerical Methods in Quantum Information Science, taking place in Boston.
Microgrant Updates:
QuTiP: The second QuTiP Developer Workshop was held at RIKEN, in Japan, March 24th-29th, 2024, bringing together over 25 contributors and project maintainers from all over the world. The project is lively, with updates on optimal control, GPU and HPC acceleration, QPU access and even a Julia package. During the workshop, QuTiP 5.0 was released, the first major release in 7 years!
Toqito: toqito-v1.0.8 was released earlier this year.
If you are a Python developer and are interested in contributing to the toqito project or a researcher who wishes to use toqtio in your workflow, feel free to reach out on GitHub or Discord!
TQEC: Development of the Topological Quantum Error Correction (TQEC) circuit editor MVP is underway.
You can specify a 2D grid of qubits, and add plaquettes representing X and Z stabilizers to build a surface code. If you would like to contribute, checkout our GitHub repo.
OpenQAOA: Micrograntee winner Alejandro Montañez-Barrera recently co-authored Transfer learning of optimal QAOA parameters in combinatorial optimization [2402.0554]. The paper discusses how evidence shows that fixed parameters give similar performance to exhaustive classical optimization search for MaxCut in QAOA. In this work, they extend this study and show the transfer learning (TL) capabilities of QAOA between different combinatorial optimization problems (COP) for up to 42 qubits. They experimentally evaluated these TL QAOA protocols on IonQ Harmony and Aria, IBM Brisbane, and Rigetti Aspen, finding that information can be recovered to some extent. They go a step further and demonstrate that TL is also possible between platforms, modifying the D-Wave Advantage quantum annealing schedule with that obtained in QAOA. They found an improvement in performance on instances of maximal independent set up to 170 qubits.
Alejandro Montañez-Barrera created a demo tutorial on pennylane about encoding combinatorial optimization problems.
Qlasskit: The second stable release of qlasskit tagged as version v0.1.17. It includes:
- Exporter for binary quadractic models (QUBO, BQM and ISING)
- Support for parameterizable qlassf functions.
- Exporters for Sympy, Qutip, Pennylane and qasm2
- Quantum circuit experimental decompiler and optimizer
- Bugfixing and performance improvements
HierarQcal: Check out the new blog with updates!
QWorld: The autumn semester of QClass23/24 successfully concluded, and 485 certificates have been handed out
- QCourse101 “Fundamentals of Quantum Computing & Programming”: 175
- QCourse501 “Elements of Quantum Computing and Programming”: 227
- QKD self-study module: 55
- QJam2024 “Making Quantum Games”: 28
New Grants:
- To Kein Yukiyoshi, Adam Siegel and Tyson Jones to further develop Global Expansion of QCoder, a quantum programming contest platform.
- To Marin Girard to further develop Holistic ACL model + decoherence notebooks using Qutip, to complement the current implementation of the ACL model in Qutip by making it holistic, including all the necessary tools to explore it as well as making it freely accessible on GitHub.
- To Marco Venere, Adriano Lusso, Alberto Maldonado and Victor Onofre to develop Integration of Zero-Noise Extrapolation from Mitiq into OpenQAOA, which will integrate Mitiq into OpenQAOA to allow error mitigation techniques to take place during the execution of the QAOA algorithm.
- To Andi Gu, Lorenzo Leone, & Salvatore F.E. Oliviero to further develop An entanglement toolbox for t-doped stabilizer states beyond the classical simulability barrier, a toolbox to equip researchers with theoretical tools and a Python framework to study t-doped states’ entanglement efficiently
- To Sam Burdick to further develop Topological Quantum Error Correction (TQEC), expanding an existing open-source TQEC service.
- To Mattias Fitzpatrick to further develop Qubit-Pulse: An educational qubit pulse engineering game, a pulse simulator game that takes in drive amplitudes as a function of time and produces the qubit state in the Bloch sphere to allow users to simulate different Hamiltonians and controls.
- To Dafne Carolina Arias Perdomo to further develop <Quantum|Chamitas>, a pioneering initiative focusing on accessible, high-quality quantum education in both Venezuela and France for girls in STEM.
Other News:
- We’ve expanded our board!
- 2023 Annual Report was released, check it out!
- Qiskit 1.0 has gone live!