Welcoming two new members to the Open Quantum Benchmark Committee with Metriq
We are excited to welcome two new members Ed Younis and Peter Groszkowski to the Open Quantum Benchmark Committee with Metriq. The Committee was established earlier this year to provide the community with a comprehensive and reliable framework for evaluating quantum computing systems through Metriq (https://metriq.info/), a free and open-source platform to facilitate quantum computing benchmarking. Metriq gives researchers and developers a centralized hub to submit results, propose new benchmarking tasks, and have openly accessible data.
Ed Younis is a computer systems engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with extensive experience developing and implementing advanced algorithms for quantum compilation, such as QFAST and Qfactor. He is currently the principal engineer on the BQSKit project and has research interests in quantum synthesis, compilation, and software systems.
Peter Groszkowski is a researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory working in various areas of physics, with emphasis on topics related to quantum computing and information. Beyond physics, he is also interested in all aspects of software development, ranging from numerical simulations to instrumentation control. Peter is a strong advocate of the open-source development model, supporting it whenever possible.