Unitary Fund Q4 2023 Update - UnitaryCON, 2023 QOSS Survey results, new grants and project updates
Dear Unitary Fund community,
We are excited to share our 2023 Q4 quarterly update!
In November in Rome, Italy we wrapped up our first unitaryCON, an invitation-only collaborative workshop for the extended Unitary Fund community. The workshop was an opportunity to share ongoing projects, connect with collaborators and supporters, and work with our community to advance the quantum open-source software ecosystem with the leading contributors from around the world. A huge thank you to our core member Scientifica Venture Capital, whose collaboration and support via Quantum Italia made unitaryCON possible.
In Q4 we also released the results of our second annual Quantum Open Source Survey to help the many diverse stakeholders of quantum technologies get a holistic understanding of the users, tools, needs and strengths of the ecosystem today. As it was the second survey, we were also excited to provide certain comparative metrics to view how things evolved since 2022. The purpose of this survey is to gather a dataset that is inclusive and representative of current and prospective open-source software coders, for and with quantum technologies in order to better serve users of the quantum computing ecosystem. Read the full details in our blog and explore the survey results in depth.
We awarded 4 new grants, ranging from a new library for financial assets, to a new project supporting and building open source hardware design, from a library implementing a genetic approach to quantum compilation, to a new Julia library for quantum optimal control. The full details of the grantees and projects can be found below.
Scientific research using open source tools has continued in Q4, with two new papers uploaded to arXiv. Andrea Mari authored Counting collisions in random circuit sampling for benchmarking quantum computers, 2312.04222, whose core aspects are explained in this blog post. Vincent Russo co-authored Tight bounds for antidistinguishability and circulant sets of pure quantum states, 2311.17047.
Mitiq also had several important updates in Q4. Four new releases were made (v0.30-v0.33), with help from new contributors: Farzad Kianvash and Yash Prabhat. The documentation for the Quantum Subspace Expansion method is now live! Additionally, there are new benchmarking circuits (mitiq.benchmarks.generate_random_clifford_t_circuit) and new calibrator logging for easier discovery of performant quantum error mitigation techniques. Read more in the Mitiq section below!
Thank you all for your continued support of the open-source quantum ecosystem!
Make sure to follow our Discord, X, LinkedIn, and our Community Calendar.
New From Unitary Fund
With support by Wellcome Leap, as part of the Quantum for Bio Program, we have completed a key milestone in our collaboration with Pasqal and Qubit Pharmaceuticals with the release of aquapointer v0.0.1! Aquapointer is an open source software package applying quantum algorithms to find locations of water molecules in a protein cavity.
v0.0.1 of aquapointer is available on Github and on PyPI. We encourage you to download and test out the package via PIP or download from GitHub. The repo includes a notebook directory with a demo notebook to help you get started.
Please send us your feedback via GitHub issues on the aquapointer repo (preferred) or via email at info@unitary.foundation.
In Q4, Qrack launched an Ubuntu PPA (ppa
/vm6502q) with support for every standard architecture in (Canonical) Launchpad, for Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04 LTS versions. You can read more about simulating 54 qubits with Qrack – on a single GPU, in this blog post by Dan Strano.Mitiq
New Releases: v0.30.0, v0.31.0, v0.32.0, v0.33.0
- v0.30.0: This release contains several documentation improvements and some new additions. The classical shadows documentation has been improved (including a tutorial!) by @Min-Li. The Pauli Twirling method is added to the user guide (thanks @Aaron-Robertson and @purva-thakre). There is a new tutorial applying both zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE) and Clifford Data Regression (CDR) to quantum simulation, for the 1D Ising chain, in Cirq, by @farzadkianvash, a new contributor! The documentation has been further improved and unified by @Misty-W and @natestemen. In terms of additions, a new type of benchmark quantum circuits, “rotated” randomized benchmarking (RB) quantum circuits have been added by @Misty-W, for more general benchmarks.
- v0.31.0: This release contains several documentation improvements and some new additions. Quantum subspace expansion (QSE) is added to the user guide (thanks @bubakazouba). Thanks to our first time contributors @dubeyPraY for a new tutorial on using PennyLane and Mitiq in calculating the energy landscape of a simple variational circuit and @kozhukalov for adding the PEC noise level and calculated error to the calibration logs. We also removed support for python 3.8.
- v0.32.0: The calibrator logs have been revamped for to support result discovery and analysis. The Calibrator.run method now support two options: flat and cartesian to display the experiment results in either a linear fashion, or grid-like. Results here have been truncated for brevity.
- v0.33.0: Minor update from 0.32.0 to fix a bug 🐛 in the mitiq.shadows module where an incorrect index was being used.
In Q4, Metriq added a “Landscape chart” to show the difference between the current technology-readiness level and useful quantum computing scales, a State-of-the-Art page for key performance metrics curated by the Unitary Fund team, and a major redesign of the presentation of taxonomical “platforms.”
Unitary Fund & Metriq.info are very pleased to announce the formation of a new Open Quantum Benchmark committee!
As our community-led benchmarking platform Metriq continues to grow, we are looking for community members who are interested in a governance role, bringing their knowledge and background to help experts and curious beginners alike better navigate the state of quantum computing benchmarks. Applications to join the committee for a 1-year term are now open through Feb 18.
Join us! Apply today here: https://bit.ly/3Oo6K9Z
Questions? Get in touch on the metriq channel or at metriq@unitary.foundation.
Other Events
In addition to UnitaryCON, you would have found us participating in Q2B Silicon Valley and co-hosting the NYC Quantum Summit. We also hosted 7 Quantum Wednesday events discussing cut edge quantum research, including one guest talk from IBM discussing Machine Learning for Practical Quantum Error Mitigation. Make sure to join us for our upcoming Quantum Wednesday talks at 9:30 am PT / 6:30 pm CET in discord.
- February 7: Discussion on Piccolo.jl with Aaron Trowbridge
- February 14: Improving Zero-noise Extrapolation for Quantum-gate Error Mitigation using a Noise-aware Folding Method with Nathan Shammah
Interested in presenting a talk at one of Quantum Wednesday events? Sign up here.
Curious about where we’ll be next? Mark your calendars for these events we’ll be at in Q1 2024:
iQuHACK: On February 2-4, 2024 you will find Dan Strano mentoring and speaking at iQuHACK, MIT’s annual quantum hackathon. Students from a diverse set of backgrounds will explore improvements and applications of near-term quantum devices.
QHack: Hosted between February 8-22, 2024, you will find Misty Wahl giving a talk! At QHack, participants can upskill their knowledge and fast-track coding skills.
APS March Meeting: The annual meeting of the American Physical Society will take place March 3-8, 2024, in Minneapolis, MN. Misty Wahl will give an invited talk on March 6th in Session M52: Quantum Error Mitigation at Scale.
QuTiP: Hosted on March 25-29, 2024, the QuTiP admin team is organizing the 2024 QuTiP developers workshop, which will be held at RIKEN, Wako, Japan. Dive into talks, hackathons, and laid-back discussion panels all about the QuTiP v5 release and what’s on the horizon for QuTiP. This event is aimed at the active QuTiP developers, but if you’re eager to be part of the action and contribute to QuTiP’s future, drop a line to the local organizers at nwlambert@riken.jp and paul.menczel@riken.jp.
Updates from UF Microgrant Projects
We are excited about several new updates to microgrant projects.
Labscipt-qc: The developers of labscipt-qc, a software framework for cold atom research groups to make their experiments more accessible, have published version 0.3.0 of the package sqooler
. A template for remote access should now make it possible for experimental research groups that control their systems with lab script to have fairly secure remote access. This new project, awarded a microgrant in Q3, would now greatly benefit from interested beta users.
Quantify: The recent updates to Quantify, a data acquisition framework for quantum computing and solid-state physics experiments, focus on improving quantum circuit design and experimentation. The software now supports more complex quantum circuits, including nested ones, and has significantly reduced compilation times by 30-75%. Users can save and reload complete experimental setups using JSON files, enhancing the ease of experiment replication. Additionally, new operations such as the Gaussian pulse and complex-valued square pulse have been introduced. New schedules are available for two-qubit CZ tune-up and CPMG decoupling experiments, extending qubit coherence time. Finally, Quanitfy introduced a new debugging tool that allows the user to the export the entire experiment with detailed debug information.
Qworld: Qworld, a microgrant award winner from Q2 2023, has continued their work to bring quantum computing to a global audience. They hosted their first virtual class “QClass23/24,” which started in September of 2023 with over 1000 students from all around the world. During the Autumn semester they offered (i) QCourse101-1: Fundamentals of Quantum Computing & Programming, (ii) Self-study module “Quantum Key Distribution”, and (iii) QJam2024 “Making Quantum Games”. The Autumn semester will conclude at the end of January 2024. Additionally, Qworld conducted their first Quantum Software Development course with Classiq “QCourse551-1”. 30 geographically diverse students completed 13 projects under the mentorship of Classiq researchers.
Two new QCousins joined the QWorld family: QUAE & QSouthAfrica.
Qlasskit: The first stable release v0.1.7 of the qlasskit library has been released on github and pypi. Read more about qlasskit.
New Grants:
- To Michael Hellman to further develop Qasper, a library that includes both common quantum representations of standard financial notation and classical assets.
- To Aaron Trowbridge & Aditya Bhardwaj to further develop Piccolo.jl, a quantum optimal control (QOC) method called Pade Integrator Collocation (PICO) that is a direct trajectory optimization method that treats both the states and controls of the system as decision variables.
- To Max Shirokawa Aalto to further develop OpenQuantum, a blueprint for a magneto-optical trap that open-sources high-quality CAD files, electronic schematics, control firmware and assembly instructions along with teaching materials to create a much-needed educational platform for quantum science and engineering.
- To Viet Tan Nguyen, Hai Tuan Vu, Viet Tan Nguyen, Le Bin Ho & Tran Lan to further develop GA-QAS: a genetic approach to quantum compilation, to solve the manual finding of a suitable trainable unitary by automatically finding a near-optimal ansatz given the target quantum objective functions.