Unitary Fund Q3 2023 Update: NSF and Wellcome Leap awards, 2023 QOSS Survey, open hardware, and 7 new grants
Dear Unitary Fund community,
We are excited to share our 2023 Q3 quarterly update!
The Quantum Open Source Software Survey 2023 is ongoing! Please take a couple of minutes to take it here.
We have some exciting news on the research side: Unitary Fund has been awarded a grant by the National Science Foundation to grow the open-source ecosystem for Mitiq and enable a global community to adopt quantum error mitigation out of the box. Unitary Fund has been selected to participate in the Quantum for Bio program by the Wellcome Leap to explore, with quantum startups PASQAL and Qubit Pharmaceuticals, biology-relevant applications with quantum computing. We have multiple open positions.
Further on the research side, UF led the drafting of the first review on open hardware in quantum technology, with global collaborators. The UF tech staff attended multiple events, including IEEE Quantum Week in Bellevue, WA, the NYC Quantum Summit, and the GE Climate, Sustainability and Quantum workshop in Albany, NY.
We launched our new Unitary Fund website: We have a new blog post on how Mitiq can be used to lower the bounds of quantum error correction (QEC), using Stim as a frontend.
We awarded 7 new grants this quarter to fund new projects and enrich existing projects of useful tooling for the quantum open source ecosystem, ranging from open APIs to provide cloud access to atom-based QPUs to expanding existing projects like Toqito.
Mitiq continues to grow, with new quantum error mitigation techniques supported: quantum subspace expansion, Pauli Twirling, and classical shadows — and more tutorials.
Join the IonQ Office Hours on the UF Discord, every Wednesday at 4pm ET. On the UF Discord you can join many quantum OSS community calls: Mitiq, Metriq, QIR Alliance, QICK, OpenQAOA, Covalent.
Thank you all for your continued support of the open-source quantum ecosystem!
Make sure to follow our Discord, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our Community Calendar.
New from UF
New Releases: v0.28.0, v.0.29, v.0.30
In v.0.28.0: Quantum Subspace Expansion is now available in Mitiq! PEC Calibration contains some improvements and we added robust classical shadow estimation.
In v.0.29.0: Update Pauli Twirling, Classical Shadows, Stim + Mitiq tutorial to merge error correction with error mitigation.
In v.0.30.0: New documentation for the classical shadows technique, Pauli Twirling, and a tutorial applying both zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE) and Clifford Data Regression (CDR) to quantum simulation, for the 1D Ising chain, in Cirq. We add functions for “rotated” randomized benchmarking (RB) quantum circuits, for more general benchmarks.
- New site frontend, with tidier charts of major metrics like quantum volume visible already on the homepage. We performed a redefinition of Platforms, including major Providers and Devices.
UF Research
- [2309.17233] Open Hardware in Quantum Technology
New Grants
QlassKit: To Davide Gessa to develop QlassKit, a Python library that allows developers to write classical algorithms in Python and translate them into unitary operators for use in quantum circuits.
labscript-qc: To Fred Jendrzejewski to further develop labscipt-qc, a software framework for cold atom research groups to make their experiments more accessible.
Toqito: To Purva Thakre to grow Toqito, toward a mature open-source project and utilize it for further research in unextendible product bases.
BGLS: To Alex Shapiro and Ryan LaRose to further develop bgls, an implementation of the gate-by-gate sampling algorithm of Bravyi, Gosset and Liu for classically simulating quantum circuit measurement.
Qiskit-Qulacs: To Gopal Ramesh Dahale to further develop Qiskit-Qulacs, a plugin using Qulacs as a backend for Qiskit circuits.
LambdaQ: To Radu Marginean to further develop lambdaQ, a functional programming language for quantum computing based on Haskell.
mdopt: To Aleksandr Berezutskii to develop mdopt, an efficient tensor-network decoder.
News from UF Projects
Read Ali’s inspiring blog post on his Summer internship at UF working on Metriq and the UF website!
A great blog post on the UF site by microgrant awardee Harshit Gupta on his project improving the Qiskit timeline transpile debugger.
Quantify is continuously updated. Changelog of Quantify scheduler is visible here. Some operational highlights include a new website (www.quantify-os.org and docs update. Now GitLab Pages are generated and hosted (quantify-core, quantify-scheduler)].
QWorld launched a new two-semester long global program called QClass23/24 in September 2023. It includes introductory and intermediate level QCourses & self-study modules, activities with industrial partners, a quantum jam, and several online talks by experts. It has received 2K+ applications from 103 countries, and 1350+ of them have joined the QClass23/24 Discord server. The website: https://qworld.net/qclass23-24/.