Unitary Fund Q4 2022 Update: New Ambassadors, Mitiq and Metriq updates, research, and project community calls
Dear Unitary Fund community,
We are excited to share our quarterly update and highlight some of what UF’s been involved with so far this year. We announced a new batch of Ambassadors: Alberto, Amir, Nick and Rahul!
We continue to grow the Mitiq project with a wide community (over 50 contributors!). We’ve uploaded two research preprints using Mitiq: for automated error mitigation and testing error mitigation with Mitiq out-of-the-box on different hardware — improving results of NISQ devices.
New projects joined the Unitary Fund Discord: OpenQAOA and Covalent.Check out their community calls that are hosted there.
We awarded our first grant ever to a project in Rust, for Quantum Error Correction, to Lev Stambler! We’ve analyzed and discussed with the community in two open Discord calls the insights from the Quantum Open Source Software Survey:
Thank you all for your continued support of the open-source quantum ecosystem!
Make sure to follow our Discord, Twitter,LinkedIn, and our Community Calendar.
New from UF
The Mitiq whitepaper
was published in Quantum 6, 774 (2022)
New Releases:
Version 0.20.0 focuses on updating our support for numpy
(1.23), adding a tutorial demonstrating the learning-based PEC workflow, and scoping out what device/noise calibration might look like as part of Mitiq. Additionally identity insertion has been added as a noise-scaling technique available for mitigation protocols such as zero-noise extrapolation.
Version 0.21.0 officially adds support for the
learning-based PEC sub-technique which is now fully documented and functions to apply Readout Error Mitigation (REM).
Version 0.22.0 focused on improving the Mitiq documentation
with three new examples, new REM docs, and navigation improvements, along with some bug fixes. This release also adds a new module calibration which allows one to run a series of experiments to see what error mitigation parameters will work best for their particular setup.
Read more in our updated
Examples section.
Special thanks to the volunteering contributors:
@purva-thakre and @nickgardner @amirebrahimi!
Blog post:
- [[Combining Mitiq with Berkeley Lab’s
BQSKit]{.ul}](https://unitary.foundation/posts/bqskit.html) for advanced control on compilation with quantum error mitigation by @natestemen
- [[Combining Mitiq with Berkeley Lab’s
November 29th, 2022 - Center for Research in Computing,
National Polytechnic Institute Mexico, “Quantum Error Mitigation with Mitiq”. @natestemen
October 28th, 2022 - Harvard University, *“Quantum error
mitigation and simulation with open source tools”*. [Link to slides]{.ul} @nathanshammah
October 24th, 2022 - IBM Research NYC, *""Out-of-the-box”
quantum error mitigation with Mitiq”*. @nathanshammah
October 21st, 2022 - Super.tech & ColdQuanta,
""Out-of-the-box” quantum error mitigation with Mitiq”. @nathanshammah
October 20th, 2022 - Northwestern University, *“The Mitiq
open-source ecosystem for quantum error mitigation”*. @nathanshammah
You can keep track of Metriq’s new submissions [[on
Submitting new metrics is even simpler with arXiv autocomplete:
you can watch a [video tutorial]{.ul} here.
[[Metriq Featured Task Highlight: Quantum
“Automated quantum error mitigation based on probabilistic error reduction”, Unitary Labs team with Peter Orth (Iowa State) and Ben McDonough (Yale)
“Testing platform-independent quantum error mitigation on noisy quantum computers”, Unitary Labs team with Ryan LaRose (EPFL)
New Grant
- To Lev Stambler to
write a highly performant decoder in Rust for quantum error correction.
- To Lev Stambler to
News from UF Projects
[[QuTiP student
presentations]{.ul}](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCzohbNxweM) videos are on YouTube.
A live [[benchmark
page]{.ul}](https://qutip.org/qutip-benchmark/) as well as a completely new [qutip tutorials page]{.ul} are live on the QuTiP website.
QuTiP 4.7.1 was released —
QuTiP QIP 0.2.3 was released —
QuTiP hit 1,000,000 downloads on PyPI and Conda Forge!
A methods focused guide to quantum error correction: The initial
draft of the guide is now available online. Please watch out for significant additions and improvements in the next few weeks.
Inside Quantum
- The insideQuantum podcast has completed its first season of 12
episodes! So far, we’ve spoken with a wide range of fantastic guests including theorists working on quantum information theory, near-term quantum computing and machine learning, as well as experimenters who are using quantum technology to build the quantum internet and detect gravitational waves, and even entrepreneurs who are bringing quantum technology into the business world. If you’ve missed Season 1, or you’d like to remind yourself of what our guests had to say, be sure to check out our highlights episode - you can find it on our website (insidequantum.org) or on all major podcasting platforms. We’re currently taking suggestions for Season 2 guests, so please get in touch if there’s anyone you’d like to hear us talk to!
- The insideQuantum podcast has completed its first season of 12
Coming up Next this Quarter
Xanadu’s QHack comes back this February, you can register here
There are still a few days to sign up to MIT’s iQuHACK