Unitary Fund Q1 2022 Update: New projects, advisors and supporters!
To the Unitary Fund community,
We’re excited to share our Q1 2022 quarterly update and highlight some
of what UF’s been involved with so far this year.
We continue to award new grants, update Mitiq, and add ambassadors,
advisors, technical staff and even new members to our program! For more
detailed information, have a read at our key highlights below.
As the year progresses, we remain committed to growing our support towards the quantum open source ecosystem. Thank you all for your continued support and being a part of our journey. Make sure to follow our Discord, Twitter,LinkedIn, and our Community Calendar.
Upcoming event: our quantum open source hackathon unitaryHACK 2022: Register Now!
New from Unitary Fund
Welcome Misty Wahl to the Unitary Fund Team! Misty will be joining
as Member of Technical Staff with a focus on Mitiq.
Two new Advisory Board members!
Amira Abbas, PhD
student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and Quantum Research Advocate at IBM
Stephen DiAdamo, Research Scientist at Cisco and author of the
QuNetSim Python package (and fmr. Microgrant winner)
IBM and Accenture are some of our [[newest
additions]{.ul}](https://unitary.foundation/posts/2021-corporate-members.html) to our member program as Core Members. We thank IBM and Accenture and look forward to furthering our mission with their support.
Agnostiq has joined as a Unitary Fund
[Supporting Member]{.ul}. We’re excited to work with Agnostiq and making a step towards creating a strong ecosystem, together with our other Supporting Members — Xanadu, IonQ, BCG, Pasqal, IQM, and DoraHacks.
Congratulations to Victory Omole for
winning the [2021 Wittek Quantum Prize]{.ul} for his work on Google’s Cirq library and other open-source projects.
Join us every other Thursday for [[QiR community calls on our
We released version 0.12 through 0.13 of Mitiq (full
The 0.12 release contains a considerable overhaul of the
documentation organization and content (special thanks to Misty Wahl and Purva Thakre!), [check it out]{.ul}.
The 0.13 release is compatible with the latest Cirq version
and contains GHZ circuit support (special thanks to Rahul Mistri). Two design documents, on learning-based PEC and digital dynamical decoupling were approved, thanks to Misty Wahl and Aaron Robertson. Thanks @astrojuanlu for useful suggestions about readthedocs, as we improved the HTML display of notebooks.
The [[2022 Mitiq
roadmap]{.ul}](https://github.com/unitaryfund/mitiq/wiki#mitiq-2022-roadmap) has been discussed and approved
We added a [[Projects
Ideas]{.ul}](https://github.com/unitaryfund/mitiq/wiki/Project-Ideas) section for students who may want to collaborate.
The Unitary Fund team, together with collaborators at Johns
Hopkins, uploaded [a paper]{.ul} with a study on how to reduce the impact of correlated noise on zero noise extrapolation.
The Unitary Fund team uploaded [[a
paper]{.ul}](https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05489) showing the improvement of effective quantum volume with quantum error mitigation, using Mitiq.
New Grants
To Ayush Tambd, secondary
school student and quantum enthusiast — for developing HODL language designed to make it easy and intuitive to write arithmetic, relational, and logical operations for quantum programs: GitHub arXiv
To Steven Thomson, Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin — for creating a new quantum technology podcast aimed at highlighting the diverse range of people who work in quantum technology.
Unitary Fund became a sponsor for the [[Quantum
News from UF Projects
QuTiP has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2022. Applications
for students open April 4th and close April 19th. Check out [current Project Ideas]{.ul}.
Blog: [[Implementing a Variational Quantum Algorithms module in
- QuTiP’s qutip-qip package consists of classes QubitCircuit and
Gate, which simulate the dynamics of quantum circuits. For VQAs, these gates should be parameterized. In addition to the gate parameters, initialization options, which are fixed throughout the optimization process, will be easily defined in one object. For these purposes, we define two new classes, VQABlock and VQA, which are abstractions on Gate and QubitCircuit, respectively.
- QuTiP’s qutip-qip package consists of classes QubitCircuit and
[[Two papers on quantum open source software
projects]{.ul}](https://unitary.foundation/posts/pulser_qutip.html) supported by the Unitary Fund were published in the open-access, community-driven journal Quantum.
- The papers provide information on Pulser and qutip-qip, two
Python packages for the pulse-level simulation of quantum programs on quantum computers.
- The papers provide information on Pulser and qutip-qip, two
Blog: [[OQuPy: Open Quantum Systems in
Python]{.ul}](https://unitary.foundation/posts/2022_oqupy.html): A Python 3 package to efficiently compute non-Markovian open quantum systems.
Additions to the OQuPy package with hopes that they would
further attract new users who might find some use of these in their own research.
Calculation of bath correlations from system correlations
Non-perturbative simulation of a system coupled to multiple
Coming up next quarter:
unitaryHACK is returning in June 2022: [[Register
Boxi Li is giving a Quantum Software Talk on “*QuTiP qip:
Pulse-level circuits simulation”* this Thursday April 7th at 6pm CET / 12pm ET, on Unitary Fund Twitch channel
QuTiP is participating in Google Summer of Code 2022: Applications
are open until April 19th, find guidelines and project ideas here.
QCHack 2022 by the Quantum Coalition (Yale x MIT):