Unitary Fund Q1 2021 Update: New grants and a Mitiq release driven by the community
Unitary Fund Q1 2021 Update: New grants and a Mitiq release driven by the community
Unitary Fund is a non-profit working to create a quantum technology ecosystem that benefits the most people.
13 April, 2021
To the Unitary Fund community,
It’s been an amazing year at Unitary Fund so far: we’ve grown our microgrant program, launched a new streaming talk series, and opened up a Discord server for the community.
We continue to work hard to support the development of a vibrant, open quantum technology ecosystem. Thanks to all of you who have joined us in this mission.
New from Unitary Fund
We are running UnitaryHack, our first quantum open source hackathon with SWAG and BOUNTIES, on May 14-30th!
Welcome Olivia!** Our newest team member, Olivia has joined as our new Administration to help us grow and optimize Unitary Fund ‘s programs.**
Help wanted: We are hiring for technical staff positions. We’re not only interested in quantum experienced applicants, but also diverse applicants with full stack web experience.
If you missed it, read our 2020 Annual Report here.
About Mitiq:
We continue to develop in the open, and now at its 0.7.0 release on PyPI. You can join our community call on Fridays at 2:30pm ET on Discord ( discord.unitary.foundation)
Mitiq v.0.7.0 contains several contributions from the community! Thanks to @yhindy for adding a method to parametrically scale noise in circuit, to @elmahmoud for adding a factory for zero noise extrapolation, to @aaron-robertson and @pchung39 for adding Qiskit executors with depolarizing noise to the utils, to @purva-thakre for several fixes and improvements. Thanks also to @BobinMathew and @marwahaha for typo corrections.
We added probabilistic error correction (PEC) to the quantum error mitigation techniques.
Everyone can now contribute examples to the documentation directly with Jupyter Notebooks thanks to a new MystNB-based infrastructure.
We had more guests on Quantum Software Talks Series on Twitch, with recordings uploaded to Youtube.
We hosted Intro to QuTiP: A Quantum Toolbox in Python by Shahnawaz Ahmed and Intro to QuNetSim: A Software Framework for Quantum Networks by Stephen DiAdamo.
We hosted 3 research talks on Discord:
“Exponential Error Suppression for Near-Term Quantum Devices”, by Bálint Koczor.
Chen Wang, “Protecting a bosonic qubit with autonomous quantum error correction”, by Chen Wang.
AMA on gate tomography and randomized benchmarking, by Cassandra Granade.
Sarah from the Unitary Fund team gave an interview on quantum computing
Andrea and Ryan spoke on our error-mitigating research at the APS March Meeting
7 New Grants
To Goutam Tamvada and Douglas Stebila to develop VeriFrodo, an open-source package implementing a lattice-based quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms in Jasmin within the Open Quantum Safe project.
To Owen Lockwood to develop a software package using classical deep reinforcement learning to improve quantum optimization, both for quantum simulations and hardware integration.
To Daniel Stilck França to develop a software package that will help benchmark the limitations of noisy quantum devices for solving optimization problems. [arXiv] [ QIP talk on the technique].
To Rhea Parekh and Stephen DiAdamo to further develop Interlin-q, a distributed quantum-enabled simulator integrated with QuNetSim.
To Dariusz Lasecki to build an open-source Python library that delivers easy-to-use high-quality pre-trained machine learning models to predict good QAOA starting parameters for selected classes of problems.
To Oscar Higgot, to continue developing and maintaining PyMatching, a Python package for decoding quantum error correcting codes with minimum-weight perfect matching (MWPM).
To Nicola Mosco, to develop HomodyneCT, a software package for medical diagnostics that uses a quantum-tomography-inspired technique for state reconstruction in order to reduce the radiation dose patients receive.
News from UF Projects
A new QuTiP related job posting: the position to join the QuTiP dev team can be fully remote for 2022!
QuTiP is also participating in Google Summer of Code 2021! Deadline for student applications is in one week.
https://quantumflytrap.com/ is growing with a new CNOT game and their first intern. They also posted a new blog post demoing interactive visualizations for qubits.
QRand has released v0.2.0
QWorld continues to expand globally and now has chapters in 14 countries!
PyZX is used in new papers on the WolframPhysics project on foundations and in quantum machine learning
Qubit x Qubit hosted a diversity in quantum computing conference
Quantum Community Updates
QHack was held from February 17th, 2021.
QOSF completed the second cohort of their mentorship program. Several Unitary Fund projects were involved.
Qiskit has launched a mentorship program
Unitary Fund advisor Michal Stechly started a new podcast “Noisy Intermediate-Scale Podcast”.
IBM Quantum has released more open source software: qiskit metal for designing superconducting quantum hardware; active reset; and their new software roadmap.
QC40 will be held in May to celebrate 40 years of QC Research
Best wishes to all of you,
Will and the Unitary Fund Team